Sunday, February 26, 2012

Segmen Tambah Follower Tanpa Blogwalking by MD

at 8:41 PM 8 comments

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Lisa Surihani Pon LoiKeeee~~

at 7:22 AM 2 comments
SERIOUSLY lawak giler!!!!!

first time baca..xpaham,blur cket..amende 'Gheda' tuh..bile da sampai part 'menyegrah'...
okay.. i got it!!!! hahaha..nak perli bini Yusri ghupe nye..haha

Lisa pon LikE~~

I Am So in PAddy Life

at 12:10 AM 0 comments
***kindergarten kid story***

every day i eat rice..rice is the cooked-paddy..i eat rice with dishes that my mom cooked for me @ i buy from stalls..i live in paddy plantation area; Kepala front of my house, there is a paddy factory; Bernas. it is where all the paddy processes and packages to sell to the consumer..

last time, i had my practical in MARDI Kepala Batas..there, i learned on how to plant paddy @ rice plant..i also knew how to operate the de-husker and polishing machine used to remove the husk and polish it into white color.. i also did the experiment in the lab using all those varieties available..

for my second practical, in Selama Research Centre, i also need to berkubang in the paddy plot..they demonstrated the herbicide spraying and i also experienced get into the plot and do plotting..i am very afraid as i am phobic to leeches.luckily there is no such-a-geli-geli-thing in that sawah..

for my final year project, i planted paddies with different water, then, i observe the physiological changes shown.. i already completed my field project, now im running a hydroponic experiment to see the sustainability of paddy in saline condition..

for this last semester, i choose paddy as my elective subject..last week, we had a seed germination test. we germinated the paddy seeds in petri dish and, we did two experiments on paddy week, we will have a good time berkubang in the sawah with those selut-selut to plant the paddy in the plot. .
i am very life full with PADDY..hope in a very fine day later i may become a Paddy Breeder :) hehehe..

Friday, February 17, 2012

Novel - Cinta Kontrak

at 6:25 AM 4 comments
this is the first novel for this year... CINTA KONTRAK by Nurul Ain Syuhada..bukan Nurul Syuhada Nurul Ain; pngacara MHI @ Majalah 3 taw..hehe

aku suker giler novel ne..walawpon dia xde konflik sgt pon, tapi jlan cerita die smooth je, steady je..romantic comedy la jugak.hehe...seriously falling in love with Muhammad Danial Franz :) bertuah la kalo ade laki macam 2 kat dunia ne kn kalo ade aku nak ...

ade lagi satu novel tengah tunggu.. Yess Boss!!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Fakta Ketika Berak

at 9:31 PM 2 comments
tetibe terfikir nak share fakta ne,

ilham datang time tengah melabur dekat dlm jamban umah :)
tengah sedap2 melabur, tetibe teringat 1 cerita dalam buku Mastika dlu2...orang ne try nak blajar ilmu kebal dri sorg tok guru..pastu tok guru dia ckp --->

'senang je.time berak, try tahan kencing.comfirm kebal nnt'..HAHA...orang 2 ckp 'mana bley tahan..mustahil lah!!!'...dia ckp maybe tok guru dia xmo ajar kot, 2 yg bg idea cm $%^&&^* tuh!! hoho..nak tahu fakta ape???


p/s:bunyi cm kotor je kn..haha..tapi ini lah fakta nya!!!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Download Link Gemersik Kalbu

at 10:57 PM 2 comments
semua episod ade..nak yg mane..hambek je..hambekkkkk

> ikot step yg dia bgtaw 2
> then, dwload lah dengan hati yg gumbira..yeaaaaaaaaaaaa

Gemersik Kalbu Episod Last

at 10:48 PM 0 comments
haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~~~ meruntun jiwa tengok GEMERSIK KALBU epi last touching la baiyaaaaa...

tepat jam7 aku dah terpacak kat depan tv..semangat giler nk layan epi last ne.hehe...pastu tetibe line wat hal...jammmmmmm..epi last kot neh..jgn r wat hal time ne..tension giler la..

pastu ttbe ad mesej masuk...from: umrah...'ainu..umah hg ade line x tv3'..hahaha..hantu2 GEMERSIK KALBU comfirm xsenang duduk..tengah syiiookkk syiookkkk nk layan, line wat taik plak..naseb baek sat ja..sempat la nk tengok SUfian dengan Ana tu.hehe

tapi kan...part sweet dorang 2 sikit sgt laa..xpuas.buat la lama2 cket.baru syiokkkkk..tapi aku memang puji la pengarah dia Heykal Hanafiah (husband Faezah Elai), terbaekkkkkkkkk..thumbs up!!!! should be announced as best director dis for it!!!
first time nampak Ana senyum nampak gigi penoh depan Sufian..ahahaha 


at 9:12 PM 5 comments
Alhamdulillah..masih diberi nikmat untuk menikmati kejayaan sebagai seorang pelajar ^_^

RESULT paling gempak pernah aku dapat seumor idop!!! xterfikir langsung bley dapat cam 2.huhu..syukur..syukur...

dulu time study week, rasa low giler sebab smua subject cam hape ag..siap mesej ayah aku cakap...
'ayah..sory kalo sem ne xdapat dL lagi..susah sangat..'
naseb baek mak ayah paham..depa cakap..xpa,cuba yg terbaek.tawakkal je.yg penting dah usaha sebaek mgkin :)

syukurrrr yaAllah..trima kaseh!!!!!! ada lagi 1 sem utk aku buktikan kat mak ayah aku, aku mmpu brjaya..insyaAllah, aku akn buat sebaek mungkin..just wait n see ^_^


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